Long Road get's shorter

So about two three weeks ago we released our first beta. We promised at that time to release a new beta every week. Over promising is definately something we're going to address in the future because we don't want to become one of THOSE development studios.

Anyway, after digging into the code we descovered we were going to have to rework a lot of things in order to monitor timing and have that be a functional part of the game whilst also keeping to the games original intention. Adding a feature always has issues, however I feel like it was necessary.

It's a couple weeks late, but I'm pleased to say that the game is in a playable enough state that you can actually get in there and do things and keep track of your accuracy and time. The UI is a mess, no lies there, but we are going to be cleaning that up very soon.

The Long and short of it is that we're going to be doing more streams on Tuesdays 10am AEST, showing Development over on twitch.tv/UnrestGamesDev and with any luck this game will be completely done by the start of May. Please do follow the links to get to our feedback form and...

https://unrestgames.wixsite.com/unrest-games WE HAVE A WEBSITE! Go on over and check it out. I'll chat soon,
-SansTypic, aka Thomas


PandoPlatypusTypingBonanza AlphaBuild - Playtesting Release 2.rar 26 MB
Apr 10, 2023

Get Pando Platypus Typing Bonanza

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